Project Overview

Students are to install and learn vPython by completing the 2 tutorials shown below. They are to then to create either (1) a game that uses physics or (2) a question that is solved by writing a vPython program that illustrates the answer through animation as well as gives the numerical solution at the end of the program. (This is what the 2nd vPython tutorial does.)

If you are student beginning this project, start with the 1st link below. All of the other parts listed below are linked from each document in a specific order to aid in learning what needs to be done, understood, and reported.

The Project's Pieces

  1. Overview/report and grading rubric
  2. 1st tutorial on vPython
  3. 2nd tutorial on vPython
  4. 3rd Tutorial Troubleshooting your code in vPython.
  5. Project ideas
  6. Example report write-up using the 2nd tutorial as an example
  7. 2nd Example report write-up using some thing you haven't seen yet.

by Tony Wayne ...(If you are a teacher, please feel free to use these resources in your teaching.)

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