Current Electricity Basics Objectives

Students should be able to:
• Write all the chapter’s formulae

• Define all the S.I. units of each variable.

• Define Ohm’s Law

• Calculate the power used by an appliance.

• Use the power relationships to solve problems.

• Identify the current graph associated with an a.c. or d.c. current.

• Select the appropriate AC/DC battery adapter.

• Describe what happens to an adapter or the appliance it is plugged in to if the adapter’s voltage is greater than, equal to, or less than the batteries voltage.

• Describe what happens to an adapter or the appliance it is plugged in to if the adapter’s current is greater than, equal to, or less than the appliance’s current.

• Describe what happens to an adapter or the appliance it is plugged in to if the adapter’s polarity does not match the appliance’s.

• Describe, simplistically, what a battery is.

• Calculate the charge value of a battery.

• Calculate the life of a battery when it is connected to an electrical device.

• Calculate the cost of running a certain appliance that is plugged into the standard a.c. outlet.

• Calculate how long an appliance needs to run to use up a specified amount of money.

• Describe how a household circuit works in relation to a circuit breaker or fuse.

• Describe how a replaceable fuse works.

• Describe what each “hole” in a household outlet “does” or means.
March 15, 2013 1:59 PM

by Tony Wayne ...(If you are a teacher, please feel free to use these resources in your teaching.)

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