Coulomb's Law Reading Questions

You do not need to print this page out. In your notebooks, list the numbered problems and answer the questions next to the appropriate numbers.


Write the equation that models Coulomb's Law.
List what each variable in Coulom's Law stands for.
What are the standard SI units for each varible in Colomb's Law's equation?

Draw an arrow to show the direction of the force that charge "A" exerts on charge "B." Label the arrow FAB.


Draw an arrow to show the direction of the force that charge "A" exerts on charge "B." Label the arrow FAB.


Draw an arrow to show the direction of the force that charge "A" exerts on charge "B." Label the arrow FAB. Draw a second arrow to show the direction of the force that "C" exerts on "B."Label the arrow FCB. All arrows should originate from "B."


Draw an arrow to show the direction of the force that charge "A" exerts on charge "B." Label the arrow FAB.Draw a second arrow to show the direction of the force that "C" exerts on "B."Label the arrow FCB. All arrows should originate from "B."


Draw an arrow to show the direction of the force that charge "A" exerts on charge "C." Label the arrow FAC.Draw a second arrow to show the direction of the force that "B" exerts on "C."Label the arrow FBCDraw a third arrow to show the direction of the force that "D" exerts on "C."Label the arrow FDC. All arrows should originate from "C."


Draw an arrow to show the direction of the force that charge "A" exerts on charge "B." Label the arrow FAB.Draw a second arrow to show the direction of the force that "C" exerts on "B."Label the arrow FCBDraw a third arrow to show the direction of the force that "D" exerts on "B."Label the arrow FDB. All arrows should originate from "B."


Draw an arrow to show the direction of the force that charge "A" exerts on charge "B." Label the arrow FAB.Draw a second arrow to show the direction of the force that "C" exerts on "B."Label the arrow FCBDraw a third arrow to show the direction of the force that "D" exerts on "B."Label the arrow FDB. All arrows should originate from "B."


If the magnitude of the force from each charge above is the same on particle "D," then what direction of the net force on particle "D" pointing? Remember, net force is the answer when you add up all the forces while paying attention to their directions.

by Tony Wayne ...(If you are a teacher, please feel free to use these resources in your teaching.)

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