Video solutions to selected odd numbered problems.


1 A box slides across the horizontal floor of a factory. The box is traveling at 5 m/s when it hits a section of the floor where the coefficient of friction is 0.600. What is the acceleration of the box? Relative to the direction the box was initially traveling, what is the direction of the acceleration? (
3 A box slides across the level hallway floor at 9.00 m/s and slows down to 3.00 m/s across 4.00 m.  What is the coefficient of friction along the floor? (
5 Abby is setting up a Rube Goldberg machine. To help set it up, she is holding a 5 kg box against the ceiling. A string is attached to the box. The string is parallel to the ceiling and over a pulley Jamel is pulling with a 250N force. The Abby is exerting a vertical force of 350 N upwards. What is the coefficient of friction between the ceiling and box if the box does not move? (
7 Two boxes are hanging from the ceiling as shown to the right. The top box has a mass of 20 kg and the bottom box has a weight of 300 N. What is the tension in each rope? (
9 A rope that is parallel to the floor pulls a box. The tension in the rope is 30N. The 10 kg box moves at a constant velocity. What is the coefficient of friction between the box and the floor? ()
11 A mover is dragging a box full of electronics from the house to a moving truck. He is pulling on a rope with a 400 N force. The rope makes an angle of 64° with the vertical, as shown in the picture to the right. The box is moving at a constant velocity. The coefficient of friction is 0.560. What is the weight of the box? (
13 After a snowstorm an innovative high school student got the idea to put a harness on his husky and have this dog pull him in the snow. The harness’s rope makes an angle of 35° with the horizontal and is pulling with a 600 N force along the rope. The student is traveling at a constant velocity on a pair of skies. If the student is 90.0 kg, then what is the coefficient of friction between the snow and skis? (

A box is held in place against a wall as shown. Box “B” has a mass of 20kg. Box “A” has a weight of exactly 100 N. A person is pushing the box against the wall with the shown force. The normal force is 125 N.

    a) What is the force of friction between box “B” and the wall? 

    b) What is the tension in rope? (

17 During a hire wire act a rider on a unicycle got stuck on the wire because it was not secured before he began to ride on it. This is shown in the diagram. The rider is 655 N. What is the tension on each side of the cable he is sitting on? (

by Tony Wayne ...(If you are a teacher, please feel free to use these resources in your teaching.)

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