This device is a 1.5" diameter piece of PVC pipe 5 feet long. It is schedule 40 PVC pipe. This means the walls of the pipe are 1/8" thick. (I bought the pipe from a local hardware store such as, "Lowes" or, "Home Depot.") The thick pipe is necessary for maximum safety. A thin walled pipe will snap when it is being spun around. A large hole is drilled where each clamp resides. This hole helps to keep the clamps in place during the activity. Without the holes, the clamps will slide off and injury someone. the black tape marks locations for your hands to hold on to the pipe. If you decide to make and use this; wear goggles; periodically check the tightness of the clamps; keep people a safe distance away when twisting or twirling; make sure you do not hit any overhead items such are fire suppression sprinkler heads, and take every safety precaution possible. Use it at your own risk.

2 - 5 foot lon g pieces of schedule 40 PVC pipe
4 - 4" or 4 - 6" C-clamps
black electrical tape

Click to see the activity that used this demonstration piece.

by Tony Wayne ...(If you are a teacher, please feel free to use these resources in your teaching.)

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