Example 2: Problem Using Both Rules in Combination

Part 1. How to find the currents' magnitudes and directions in a worked example.

The video above is here: http://youtu.be/CW23eDhRYGQ

Below is part 2 (This part will show you an example of how to find the potential difference beween two locations of this example circuit above..)

The video is here: http://youtu.be/LAvwHgighHI

Part 3, below, shows a clever way to use the potential difference to find a current in a circuit.

The video is here: http://youtu.be/vddfsexfFOU

Another Finding the Potential Difference Example
Using the TI-83 or TI-84 to Solve a System of Equations

This video will show how to use your TI-83, TI-83+, TI-84, or TI-84+ calculator to solve for multiple unknowns with an equal number of equations. This uses "Reduced Row Echelon Form," "rref."

This video is here: http://youtu.be/kXSipE2QePs


Using Wolframalpha to Solve a System of Equations.

If you don't have a graphing calculator, but you do have access to the Internet. Go to the systems of equation solver on Wolframalpha.com. Here is the direct address https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=system+of+equations+solver

You will have to use simple varaible names like x, y, and z. The solver does not reconize I1, I2, or I3 as a variable. Follow the on screen example.

Screen image by Wolfram Alpha, https://www.wolframalpha.com, source https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=system+of+equations+solver Accessed April 3, 2021


None of the currents or voltages that we are solving for in this class should come out as an imaginary number. If this happens to you, you probably got a sign or two wrong when you created the equations you put into the form.


by Tony Wayne ...(If you are a teacher, please feel free to use these resources in your teaching.)

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