Scientific Notation Title

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This text is meant to accompany class discussions. It is not everything there is to know about uniform circular motion. It is meant as a  prep for class.

Click for the questions that go with this reading

This video can be found on YouTube at


Use scientific notation to answer each of these questions. Note these questions are not just about scientific notation. They are also about significant figures. However, the number of significant figures will not effect the main conversion between decimal and scientific form.

Convert each number to scientific notatation.



Only do questions 1 - 12 below if you have already done the unit on significant figures.


(1) Write 50 000 to show that the 1's place was the estimated measurement.
(2) Write 76 000 000 to show that the 1000's place was the estimated measurement.
(3) Write 3000 to show that the 100's place was the estimated measurement.
(4) Write 400 000 000 to show that the 10 000's place was the estimated measurement.
(5) Write -22 000 to show that the estimated measurement was in the 100's place.
(6) Write 120 000 to show that the estimated measurement was in the 1000's place.
(7) Write 0.00003000 to show 2 significant figures.
(8) Write -0.0000082092 to show 3 significant figures.
(9) Write 0.000000002810 to show 4 significant figures.
(10)  Write -0.00405123 to show 3 significant figures.
(11)  Write 345.68 x 103 to show 2 significant figures.
(12)  Write 9323.0 x 10-8 to show 3 significant figures.
Convert the following to numbers to their decimal equavilent. Example 1x102 = 100
(13)  3.45 x 104
(14)  4.090x 103
(15)  -6.9281 x 102
(16)  9.39 x 10 –6

by Tony Wayne ...(If you are a teacher, please feel free to use these resources in your teaching.)

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